Contact Your Kelley Alliance Investigative Team Today!

Dan Lipsit President, CEO Kelley Alliance Currently available for Zoom consultations Mon-Fri 9am-6pm

*Terms and Conditions apply. Ask your Agent for more details.

A Strong Witness Can Be Worth Their Weight in Gold - Let us Find the Nuggets for You.

Our investigators are experienced at taking statements from both witnesses and claimants. We ask the right questions to get you the information you need.

No matter what type of claim you’re investigating, statements from witnesses and injured parties can provide some of the best evidence. Kelley Alliance has experienced field agents who conduct thorough interviews with compassion and tact. Our agents are trained to take sworn and recorded statements that are admissible in court.

We can dispatch investigators to the scene of an auto, property loss, or workers’ compensation accident to take statements while witnesses and injured parties are still on the scene and while memories are fresh. We can also conduct interviews after an incident to help you find the missing piece in your claims report.

Whenever possible, our agents meet with witnesses and claimants in person. We conduct thorough interviews where we not only ask questions but also monitor an interviewee’s body language and expressions. Our investigators don’t take every claimant utterance at face value. We ask thoughtful follow-up questions so you get all the information you need.

When in person statements aren’t an option, our investigators will conduct interviews via phone or video calls. We also have translation partners and investigators who speak multiple languages, so every witness or claimant can give a thorough statement.

With a Kelley Alliance investigation, you get the statements you need to help resolve your claims.

Let's Talk

Tell us how we could help you today.