Contact Your Kelley Alliance Investigative Team Today!
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He Said, She Said - when it comes to Liability Investigations let the Truth be Told
Liability claims are stressful for any claimant, which makes this a time when your insured will be glad you’re there to help. You can protect both your claimant and your company’s bottom line with a thorough liability investigation.
When a car accident or workplace accident occurs, people want to point fingers. We’ve all heard that failure is an orphan. Accidents are orphans, too. No one wants to claim responsibility for an accident, so many will attempt to push the liability onto another party.
When a liability event occurs, a Kelley Alliance investigator will go on the scene to determine who’s liable for the accident. We’ll conduct:
- In Person Interviews
- Sworn Statement Collection
- Loss or Injury Analysis
- Photogrphic and Video Evidence Gathering
- Traffic and Video Surveillance Gathering
In the event of property loss, we’ll create a diagram of the scene. And when injury occurs, we’ll obtain and analyze medical records to ensure that the extent of the injury hasn’t been exaggerated.
There are cases where liability accusations are valid, but there are also many cases where your insured may be falsely accused. With a Kelley Alliance investigation, you can ensure your insured doesn’t face unwarranted liability and the third-party doesn’t claim greater damage than justified.

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