Dan Lipsit
President, CEO
Kelley Alliance
Currently available for Zoom consultations Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
When You Need Tailored Activity Checks for Investigating any Situation
At Kelley Alliance, we provide direct and indirect activity checks.
In a direct activity check, our investigators will professionally represent your company. A Kelley Alliance investigator will go to an insured’s home or workplace, speak to the insured directly, and determine whether he can verify the information he provided on his insurance claim.
For example, if your company is investigating a widowed spouse who is receiving workers’ compensation as a dependent of his deceased wife, a Kelley Alliance investigator can perform a direct activity check by meeting the claimant at his house and ensuring that he hasn’t remarried.
In an indirect activity check, Kelley Alliance investigators will covertly surveil the insurance claimant. We’ll monitor the claimant’s home or workplace to verify the information she has provided on her claim.
The average activity check lasts four hours. But it can be extended if the claimant is found to be active during the check. Kelley Alliance will always confirm any authorization for scope expansion with our client first.

Additional Solutions

Dan Lipsit
President, CEO
Kelley Alliance
Currently available for Zoom consultations Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
Fire and Arson Can Create Hot Grounds for Fraudulent Combustion
When a fire causes property loss, claimants and contractors may see insurance payouts as the silver lining in the smoke clouds. They can claim more damage than the fire actually caused in the hopes of using their insurance benefits to upgrade their property. In the worst cases, a claimant may even commit arson in the hopes of profiteering off the fire.
In the event of a fire, a Kelley Alliance investigator can get on the scene quickly to document damage and loss before it can be exaggerated.
Our investigators can get there to:
- Take Photos and Video
- Digram the Scene in great Detail
- Interview Witnesses
- Take Sworn Statements both Verbal and Written
- Collect Evidence from Traffic Cams, Witness Phones, Surveillance Systems
We also have experts who specialize in arson and can identify accelerants. But because this chemical footprint is often burned up by the fire, it’s not the only thing we rely on to investigate arson. Our investigators will also determine whether the claimant or anyone else had the motive and opportunity to commit arson.
Kelley Alliance will verify that any claims related to property loss or damage from a fire are based on genuine loss, and that the loss hasn’t been exaggerated or wrongfully committed.